My friend was celebrating a small traditional ceremony the other day…I wanted to be a good friend and participant, so I decided to pick up some flowers for the event.
Mistake number 1:
I decided to go to a shop in downtown.
Mistake number 2:
I had earlier mocked a woman who was walking down the street and looked very out of the ordinary.
So of course, mistake number 2 comes back to haunt me.
A different friend of mine had been walking down the street with me during a bad rainstorm. Everyone around us is hovering under umbrellas and sporting some shiny new rain gear…over to my left strolls a woman in her early 40’s who is skipping in the drenching rain. I nudge my friend as she decides to turn around and wave to just me.
My friend and I part our separate ways and I run over to the flower shop in order to avoid getting soaked. To my surprise, here sits this same woman who is throwing a fit in the flower shop. Now, only about ten minutes ago I had witnessed her gleefully enjoying the rain…in this store she is claiming that he father is placed on his death bed in the Miriam Hospital and that “she must have 2 bouquets of flowers within 10 minute because 20 minutes is too long and he might be dead by then.”
This shop I come to find out is privately owned by a husband and wife, with only one very innocent looking Asian boy that works there who is only 14. The boy and the wife run downstairs to make this woman’s flower arrangements. The woman will not stop yelling about whatever comes to her mind. Whether is be a story she tells me regarding hippies that are residing in a mountain where the police will not go or about this large built man who pointed a gun at her just yesterday. Then she will calmly asks me where I bought my boots and if there are any shops nearby where she can get more shoes (even though she is lugging around a duffle bag full of an array of footwear).
Under 10 minutes later the shop owner carries two bouquets of flowers for the woman. The woman refuses to pay and claims that she will return tomorrow. Money had been flying everywhere, and she possessed a credit card, but yet she claimed she had no money. She left soon there after.
I was invited by the wife to come downstairs so that I could explain to her the type of arrangement I wanted. They wanted me to be safe from this woman in case she decided that it was in her best interest to return. I had a splendid conversation with the shop owner and the boy. She turned out to be Polish and when I told her that I was half Polish she exclaimed, “That’s okay, I don’t look Polish either.” Ha ha. Small talk was made with her and the boy and we all joked about the bizarre occurrence.
My friend loved her flower bouquet very much and boy, am I glad. They are now dried and kept in a special place to hold memories. I never though I was going to have such a crazy story to relate when running such a small errand.
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